Preden odgovorimo na to vprašanje,se moramo vprašati kaj sploh pričakujemo od te kave.
Od naših pričakovanje je namreč odvisno, kam se bomo usedli oziroma, če se bomo sploh usedli ali pa jo bomo spili kar po poti.
The summer was slowly fading away and the time to leave the mountains was closer and closer. The herdsmen were becoming impatient; they couldn’t wait to leave the green pastures in the mountains and return home. One of them was particularly anxious – there was a girl in the valley he wanted to propose. So he had to bring a pair of special cheese in the valley as a prove of his sincere intentions …
Čebele, ptice in cvetovi: poglejmo, kaj početi na čudovit dan med vašimi naslednjimi počitnicami v Ljubljani.
Bolj drzni med vami boste morda radovedni in boste želeli raziskati skrite dragulje onkraj Ljubljane.