Objave o Ljubljani v tujih medijih
Leto 2003 je Ljubljano razgalilo širši evropski javnosti. Članki, ki so do sedaj večinoma izhajali v potopisnih in popotniških medijih, so osvojili tudi velike evropske dnevne časnike.
Od takrat naprej je navdušenje nad Ljubljano vse večje, število pozitivnih objav v tujih medijih pa tako veliko, da v nadaljevanju sledi le jagodni izbor najbolj odmevnih.
Vse objave so v tujih jezikih.

The Telegraph: Ljubljana is like Edinburgh without the ego
The Slovenian capital has Michelin plaques, fairytale streets and foundations as old as civilisation itself...

Independent UK: Green journey to a green city – all aboard the sleeper train to Ljubljana, Slovenia’s charming capital
As travellers switch to slower travel and choose different ways to reduce their carbon footprint, new night train routes are opening across Europe. Yvette Cook hops on the Stuttgart to Slovenia offering...

Virginia Duran: Top 23 Spots You Shouldn’t Miss in Ljubljana If You Love Architecture
Earlier this year, my friend and photographer Philipp Heer and I, explored Ljubljana for the first time. We were positively surprised by the vast number of green areas, elaborate bridges and lively atmosphere. We arrived on a Friday. Our trip, however, didn’t begin with a building visit as usual, it began with dinner. So, we set up in motion by savouring the capital’s essence: Slovenian dumplings...

Sublime Magazine: Ljubljana, the greenest of Capitals
Slovenia’s capital city has sustainability ingrained into its DNA. A local attitude to food production, re-use, and regeneration. With the largest car-free zone in EU, one of the highest measures of urban green spaces per capita in the world, some ingenious use for invasive plants, and an effortless determination to retain its Modernist history as a human-centered World Heritage Site...

National Geographic: 6 unmissable experiences at Ljubljana's LUV Fest
Art installations, love-themed exhibitions and romantic tours of the old town are just some of the experiences that await in the Slovenian capital's celebration of love...

CookingCatrin: Gourmet Hotspots for Ljubljana trip
Today we're taking you on a trip to Ljubljana - to the Slovenian capital, which is only an hour and a half away from Klagenfurt. Laibach has thrilled us so many times and again and again {and not just} in terms of cuisine. A weekend full of enjoyment with culinary highlights and must-see hotspots in this vibrant, young capital, which is worth a visit at any time of the year...