Before embarking on an adventure in the fairy-tale land of dormice, the children will receive a booklet and a map, which they use to stick stickers, collect stamps and solve riddles. Following the trail, they will pass 10 large wooden sculptures of forest animals, wooden houses, a bee house, an animal post, and many other things. Through various tasks, children will learn about animals, plants and other characteristics of Polhov Gradec.
The price includes
- the Dormouse Booklet
- a pencil
- from October to April: Every day from 10:00 to 16:00
- from May to September: Every day from 10:00 to 20:00
2 hours
Number of participants
A minimum of 1 participant.
Departure point
Polhov Gradec Mansion, Polhov Gradec 60
The booklets are available in Slovenian, English, and Italian.
You can reach the Dormouse Adventure Park by Ljubljana public transportation, line No. 51, or by car.