Lukovica lies in a hilly, woody region of central Slovenia.

It is the centre of the Črni graben territory, moulded by and along the Radomlja river. Mills and sawmills used to run on the river.
Important traffic connections have always run over the Črni graben territory, especially over Trojane. Along the roads trade, craft, catering and carrier’s business prospered. Already in the Roman times, main road connecting Aquileia and Celeia was built here.
In Lukovica, the museum of apiculture and the castle are worth a visit, while the nearby hills offer numerous hiking tracks.
Kratka različica:ČUTI IN ŽIVI ZGODBO naročnik: OBČINA LUKOVICAprodukcija: PRODUKCIJA BAKSTER d.o.o.režija: ALEŠ...