The small town of Ig lies on the edge of Ljubljana Marshes, at the foot of Mount Krim (1107 m). Life in Ig and its surrounding villages has mainly been shaped by the distinctive environment of Ljubljana Marshes.

The area is best known for the ancient Lake Dwelling culture. Lake dwellers, who lived at Ljubljana Marshes 6,000 years ago, were farmers, stockbreeders and hunters. They lived in wooden dwellings built on stilts driven into the lake bed. The remains of Ljubljana Marshes' earliest known lake dwellings were found in the vicinity of Ig. The best known find from the area is a baked clay female idol dating from around 2000 BC. It is kept at the National Museum of Slovenia.
Today, Ig is a small country town whose main industries are agriculture and minor crafts. Its surrounding area is packed with the scenic beauty of Ljubljana Marshes. Its surrounding mountains offer good opportunities for hiking. Not far away from Ig is the well known Iški Vintgar gorge, which is considered to be one of the most beautiful natural sights in central Slovenia.