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ljubljansko barje grad bistra jost gantar

© Jošt Gantar

Cycling into the heart of the Notranjska region

The first mention of the town of Logatec dates from Roman times, when it developed as a strategically important outpost along the road connecting Aquileia and Emona (present-day Ljubljana). Its development kept pace with the development of transport and traffic, and then with advances in industry and commerce. The town boasts a number of fine examples of village architecture typical of the region. Other sights include Logatec Castle and the War Museum, with an extensive collection of military decorations from all over the world. The surrounding area has a number of interesting natural sights, including Planinsko Polje, a unique karst phenomenon. One of the longest and most famous avenues of trees in Slovenia stands along the road connecting Vrhnika and Logatec. It was planted in Napoleonic times, when the territory of present-day Slovenia was part of Napoleon’s Illyrian Provinces.


  • Distance 35700m

  • Duration 6:00h

  • Ascent 470m

  • Hight 525m