© Karata Film
Path recap
The domed hill of Janški hrib, Ljubljana's highest peak (hence the nickname “Ljubljana Triglav"), is a popular excursion destination in all seasons. From the mountain lodge on the summit, visitors can enjoy a magnificent view of both nearby and distant mountains, of the Alps and of Ljubljana – in good visibility conditions, of course. In the warmer months, it is particularly popular with cyclists and day-trippers, as well as hikers, who come to Janče for a mountain lunch and to enjoy the view.
Detailed path description
You can start your trip in the centre of Ljubljana, opposite the city's central market. Initially, you will have a longer ride along a well-maintained cycle path and then, after you cross the motorway ring road, the urban environment gives way to countryside with a rural vibe. (Please note: once you cross the motorway, there is a short stretch without a cycle lane alongside a busy but wide road. Extra caution is advised here!)
The area from this point forward is the most distinctly rural and hilly part of the Ljubljana municipality. The tour will take you past sacral heritage sites such as churches, chapels, and crucifixes, and through villages with farms, and you will be surrounded by meadows, pastures, and forests. Traffic on the roads is generally low.
There are two longer, steeper climbs on the way. First, the one leading to Javor, a scenic village with a Church of St. Anne, and then to the peak of Janški vrh. When you reach your destination, you can stop at the Church of St. Nicholas, and have a well-deserved rest at the mountain lodge, which has excellent food. In fine weather, you will love the amazing views.
Starting point
The starting point is Krekov Square.
From Janče, follow the ascent route to the Besnica River valley, where you will head back towards Ljubljana. Soon you will turn left onto a road that rises for a short distance and then descend towards the starting point. If you run out of water by that time, you can quench your thirst during the final descent at the drinking water spring by the roadside.
Highlights from the path
© Karata Film
© Karata Film
© Karata Film
© Karata Film
© Karata Film
© Karata Film
© Karata Film