Domžale: STRAW BRAID (Trekking, gravel)
A stroll with a hint of a glorious hat-making past
Path recap
A predominantly flat cycling route, winding along side roads between expansive fields and following the Kamniška Bistrica, one of the cleanest rivers in Slovenia. It starts and ends in Domžale, one of the most developed towns in Slovenia, once renowned worldwide for its high-quality straw hats. And as you cycle, you'll be weaving through its hinterland, much like the tradition of plaiting hats.
Detailed path description
Domžale and its surroundings is the only place in Slovenia with a rich tradition of straw hat-making, as preserved at the Straw Hat Museum. In recent decades, the town has particularly boosted its sporting image, with football and basketball players at the forefront.
You start your trip in this spirit – at the Športni park Domžale sports park. The route will take you along the Kamniška Bistrica river below the town's Šumberk Hill, through nearby settlements, to the castles of Češenik and Črnelo, which you can also visit. You continue to Homec, where you climb Homški Hill, a distinct and prominent inselberg that rises above the village. It is home to the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
Po spustu s hriba boste kolesarili po poljskih poteh, s katerih se v jasnem vremenu odpira lep pogled na Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe, drugo najvišje slovensko gorstvo. Kolesarili boste mimo Mengša na robu ljubljanske kotline, pa po kolovozu, ki ga konča lipov drevored. Tod si lahko ogledate tudi baročni biser, romarsko cerkev sv. Mohorja in Fortunata v Grobljah. Nadaljevanje poti do izhodišča je preplet kolesarjenja v naseljih, po poljskih poteh in ob reki Kamniška Bistrica.
After descending the hill, you will cycle along field paths enjoying, in clear weather, amazing views of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, the second highest Slovenian mountains. You will cycle past Mengeš on the edge of the Ljubljana basin and along a cart track ending in a linden tree avenue. Here, you can see the Baroque jewel that is the pilgrimage Church of St. Hermagoras and Fortunatus in Groblje. The route to the starting point is a mix of cycling through settlements and along both field paths and the Kamniška Bistrica River.