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Polževo (630 m)

A wander on the trail of the Višnja Gora snail

Broad forests and grassy meadows, pleasant tracks, beautiful views and plenty of cultural, historical and natural heritage – a hike from Višnja Gora to Polževo offers all this. The hiking trail also includes a literary element, since it coincides with the Jurčič Trail (commemorating the writer Josip Jurčič), and aspects of a nature trail, since the Višnja Gora snail symbol draws attention to the diversity of tree species along the route. Just before the end of the ascent you will come to the Hotel Polževo, while right at the end of the trail is the Church of the Holy Spirit, about which an interesting legend is told.


  • Distance 4120m

  • Duration 2:30h

  • Ascent 259m

  • Hight 630m