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Limbarska gora (773 m)

Dear St Valentine, grant us love!

Limbarska Gora is one of the most enjoyable lengthy but easy hikes to be had in the vicinity of Ljubljana – if the chosen starting point is Gradišče Lake, a popular recreation spot near Lukovica.

This route combines two notable attractions, one natural and one cultural: the summit of Limbarska Gora is marked by a pretty little church dedicated to St Valentine, to whom courting couples and newlyweds like to commend themselves. The hike is crowned by a marvellous view that includes Triglav, Slovenia’s highest mountain, gleaming in the sun.

Various trails of different lengths lead up Limbarska Gora (which is a "gora" or mountain only in name, being, in reality, a gently sloping hill) from a range of starting points. We recommend starting from Gradišče Lake (Gradiško jezero) near Lukovica, an artificial lake or reservoir that is popular with rowers and anglers and also with walkers and runners thanks to the attractive macadam path running around it (4.2 km).

The marked hiking trail leading from the lake to Limbarska Gora is easy and pleasant to walk on. It rises and falls but is rarely steep and, even then, only for brief sections. Gentle inclines predominate and a lot of the walking is on level ground. For the most part, the route follows broad paths and cart tracks, through the forest and among grassy meadows. A small section of the route is along asphalt roads, although this does not make the hike any less attractive: there is practically no traffic on the roads (except perhaps at weekends on the brief final ascent to the summit, since this is accessible by car), and the countryside traversed by the roads is beautiful, green and open. Signposts, waymarks and other indications guide hikers reliably to their goal (and back), including at the numerous crossroads and forks; it is, however, important to follow them consistently.


Same route as the ascent

Access to the starting point

By car (car park by Lake Gradišče)

Food and drink


  • Distance 6084m

  • Duration 1:55h

  • Ascent 430m

  • Hight 773m

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