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Kamniški vrh (1259 m)

Across panoramic slopes to a popular peak in the Alpine foothills

A hike to Kamniški Vrh across panoramic slopes and ridges is a stunningly colourful experience, especially from spring to autumn. Nature shows many different faces along the way: grassy meadows and hillsides, steep scree slopes, forests that block out almost all the sun, a rugged world of rocks and ravines, lush green vegetation, colourful flowers, and the babble and murmur of running water. When snow covers the land you can enjoy the hushed silence that pervades the hills and mountains in winter. A wonderful hike, but one that requires a certain amount of care and skill because of the occasional steep gradient and the gravelly paths.


  • Distance 5090m

  • Duration 3:30h

  • Ascent 659m

  • Hight 1259m