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Ulay / Marina Abramović ART VITAL

12 years of Ulay / Marina Abramović

Man and woman photographed from the side with intertwined hair.

© Ulay / Marina Abramović, Relation in Time Performance, 17 hours. Studio G7, Bologna, Italy, 1977 © Ulay / Marina Abramović. With the permission of the Marina Abramović archive.

  • 30 Nov 2025 - 3 May 2026

Visit the Art Vital exhibition, showcasing the collaborative work and life of the renowned artistic duo Ulay and Marina Abramović, key figures in performance art.

The exhibition will offer the first multifaceted insight into the creative period of the artistic duo from 1976 to 1988.

As noted by Cukrarna, the exhibition will not be organised chronologically but will instead focus on showcasing their nomadic lifestyle, which significantly marked the early years of Ulay and Marina Abramović's collaboration. All phases of their partnership and the themes they explored will be presented.

Alongside the exhibition, a series of events will take place, including reconstructions of performances, film screenings, and discussions, highlighting the importance of their legacy in contemporary art.


Visit the organiser's website for more information.

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