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PAF PUF BUM - Vesna Drnovšek and Aleš Jurič

The exhibition is part of the LUV fest

The upper part of the collage depicts a green insect surrounded by plants on a pastel blue background, while the lower part features a row of metallic mechanisms with golden handles arranged in a line on a neutral white background.

© Jakob Jurič

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The exhibition at the Hest Gallery brings together the works of Vesna Drnovšek and the sculptures of Aleš Jurič, who experiment with pre-existing objects found in nature or in everyday life, transforming them into a new reality through artistic recycling. As Vesna says: "...hence paf puf - from everywhere at once and then bum."

Vesna's intaglio prints are landscapes where repetitive patterns and unique impressions of vegetation intertwine, and are created gradually through layered imprinting.

Aleš's sculptures incorporate elements such as door handles, which in the sculpture form symbolic life trunks connected to invisible doors of the past and present.


Free enterance


For more information, please visit the organiser's website.

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