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Open Day at the Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia

A woman is holding a photograph above a box.

© Marjan Ciglič

  • 7 Sep 2024, 10:00-18:00

    Cekin Mansion: National Museum of Contemporary History, Celovška cesta 23

Visit the exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia and immerse yourself in the rich history of Slovenia and the work of master Marjan Ciglič.

The following exhibitions will be on display:

- Permanent Exhibition: Slovenians in the 20th Century
- Temporary Exhibition: Marjan Ciglič – Master for All Times
- Temporary Photographic Exhibition: Happiness and Joy in the Photographs of Marjan Ciglič in the anteroom of the Knights' Hall
- Temporary Exhibition: Their Laws, Our Lives – The Beginnings of the LGBT Movement in Slovenia on the plaza in front of the museum

Multisensory tour for children and families of the Marjan Ciglič – Master for All Times exhibition, including a creative workshop.


Free enterance