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Man and Time

Permanent Exhibition

Razstava Clovek in Cas foto Barbara Reya Mediaspeed

© Barbara Reya, Mediaspeed

  • 5 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2030

    Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Metelkova ulica 2

The new permanent exhibition, created for the museum's centennial celebration, explores human perceptions of time. These perceptions significantly impact life's pace and our inner experience of time, guiding diverse ways of life across different spaces, environments, and eras.

On the other hand, the exhibition sheds light on 100 selected items from the SEM collections, each telling its unique story about its origin, creators, users, and their lives within the museum.

We live in time; it is part of us, surrounding us at every step from birth to death - propelling us into nothingness or perhaps eternity. We journey through life with time, in rhythm with our heartbeat, the flow of our biological clock, captured in seconds, minutes, and hours, woven into the cyclicality of days and nights, weeks, months, years; balancing between work and leisure, between the ordinary and the festive, within the rhythm of life's milestones and transitions.

We decipher time within ourselves and upon ourselves, in objects, and in our surroundings. Time within us paints memories, solidifies feelings of secure permanence and belonging, yet also transience and foreignness. It fosters an interest in the past, stimulates the need for change, and calls for concern about a future we so desire to influence. Time - diverse and unified simultaneously - raises questions about beginnings and endings, the finite and the infinite, about life far away and here and now. It unveils a veritable multitude of times that regulate the course of our lives, depicting various images of our own lives, events, things, people, places - now one, now another.


For more information visit the organiser's website.

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