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Hamlet, ballet by Leo Mujić

The ballet is part of LUV Fest

Hamlet, balet Lea Mujića_foto Arhiv SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana

  • 22 Feb 2025 at 19:30

Na oder ljubljanske opere se vrača Leo Mujić, tokrat s kreacijo, ki snov črpa iz proslavljenega Shakespearovega dramskega besedila Hamlet, glasbeno pa se je avtor naslonil na dela Petra Iljiča Čajkovskega in Camilla Saint-Saënsa. Avtor je zelo močan v ustvarjanju predstav v klasični tehniki, ki pa so hkrati tudi zelo zahtevne.

Leo Mujić returns to the Ljubljana Opera stage, this time with a creation that draws its material from Shakespeare's acclaimed play Hamlet, while musically the composer has been inspired by the works of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Camille Saint-Saëns. The author is very strong in creating performances in classical techniques, which are also extremely challenging.


Link to the event

Tickets can be purchased in person at the SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana box office or online at the following link

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