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Chief Adjuah (formerly Christian Scott) and Terence Blanchard feat. The E-Collective with Atom String Quartet

65. Jazz festival Ljubljana

 Two black musicians, one with glasses and a trumpet.

© Jazz Festival Ljubljana

  • 10 Jul 2024, 20:30-23:00


Starting at Križanke with a visit from New Orleans, the cradle of jazz and the hometown of the jazz greats Terence Blanchard and Chief Adjuah, formerly Christian Scott.

Protagonists of different generations and trumpeters deeply rooted in tradition, whose paths intertwined at some point , but have otherwise pursued different creative careers. Blanchard has scored the music for majority of Spike Lee’s films and is the first African-American composer whose opera has been staged at New York’s Metropolitan Opera. After having expanded his understanding of jazz into so called stretch music form and innovating his own musical instruments, Chief Adjuah’s latest release is a throwback to the origins: the music of his ancestors. Two powerful creative forces conveying the African-American experience – both past and present.