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Three women stand together in an elegant hallway, dressed in colorful and patterned knitwear. They are smiling slightly, conveying a sense of warmth and connection.

© Foto arhiv : Leon Vidic

Oloop is managed by three designers, artists and producers, Tjaša Bavcon, Jasmina Ferček and Katja Burger Kovič. We have been working under the Oloop brand since 2003 when we founded the Institute for Contemporary Textile Art and Design (Zavod za sodobno tekstilno umetnost in oblikovanje).

The Oloop group is active in various fields of visual creation, from product design and spatial installation designs to textile art, and also conducts training, lectures and workshops connecting design with socially engaged projects.

The project contents simultaneously educate and connect people, involve different target groups and raise social issues such as health, ecology, sustainability and the meaning of life in general.


Tomšičeva ulica 1 1000 Ljubljana

Web site: OLOOP

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