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Skrbovin'ca is the first shop selling handicrafts from four care and work centres in Ljubljana: Delovni in zaposlitveni center Janeza Levca (Janez Levec Work and Employment Centre), Zveza društev za cerebralno paralizo Sonček (the Sonček Association of Cerebral Palsy Societies), Varstveno delovni center Tončke Hočevar (the Tončka Hočevar Protective Work Centre) and the Želva company for the training and employment of people with disabilities.

They run various employment programmes for people with intellectual disabilities and other barriers who are less employable in the open labour market, enabling them to develop their work skills and thus actively participate in society. Visitors can find colourful toys made of cloth and wool, greeting cards, jewellery, notebooks and a variety of useful products made of wood, clay, etc. on the shelves.

The products, which are made with a great deal of care, are created by the skilled hands of the wards in the centres' workshops. They are aesthetically designed and testify to the artistic flair of their creators. 


Mačkova ulica 1 1000 Ljubljana


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