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Hostel pri Janezu

Room amenities: bedlinen, towels, locker. Pets are allowed.

Other amenities: breakfast, communal kitchen, washing machine, common room, wireless internet access (Wi-Fi) in the lobby/reception area, internet access in the lobby/reception area (for guests only), TV room, children's playground, airport transfers, private car park.


The Hostel pri Janezu student hostel provides tourist accommodation from 7 July to 17 august.

Reception opening hours: 8:00-20:00


  • Rooms:20
  • Beds:74


Langugages of communication: Slovenian, English, Croatian.


Karlovška cesta 18 1000 Ljubljana

Phone: +386 (0)31 733 501

Faks: +386 (0)1 24 18 121

Email: [email protected]

Web site: Hostel pri Janezu

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