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Draž knitwear

Draž pletenine has been making knitwear since 1994. There is a lot of knowledge, work, attention, sensibility and passion behind these garments, which are knitted, designed and manufactured with the highest quality. We thus demonstrate deep respect for the material, our work, the environment and the people who wear our clothes. When they stop using them for any reason, they can bring them to our studio, where we reconstruct them according to their needs and wishes.

Despite the fashion industry being the biggest environmental polluter after the food industry and therefore riddled with manipulation traps, we designers are its opposite: craftsmen, seekers of truth, beauty and new images, technological solutions and unrealised cuts. We are guided by the desire to create clothes that people will enjoy and feel beautiful and safe in.

When customers confirm the meaningfulness of our wishes and actions by reporting that they feel good in Draž garments that they have happily worn for decades, our purpose is achieved and the circle from idea to fellow human being is complete.


Opening hours can be found at the following link.

Additional offer

  • Ljubljana Quality


Gornji trg 9 1000 Ljubljana

Web site: Draž knitwear

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