Soon: The first hybrid Conventa Crossover
10 Aug 2020
On the 27th and 28th of August, the 5th Conventa Crossover conference that Ljubljana Tourism has been supporting from the very beginning, will take place both in CD Congress Centre and virtually.

© Matej Kastelic/Mostphotos
The conference, intended for event planners, creatives, marketing experts and all those involved in the MICE business in the New Europe region, will be carried out as a hybrid event this year.
The goal of the organizers in the current situation has remained the same - to ensure the exchange of knowledge and ideas and to promote high-quality networking opportunities. In this moment hybrid events seem to be the best answer to the current situation. An increasing number of meeting organizers have (at least temporarily) switched to such models, as people from countries where the epidemiological situation is deteriorating are able to join online, while those coming from areas with more relaxed restrictions can attend live.
In practice this means that regional visitors from countries on Slovenia's green list according to the National Institute of Public Health (the list is available here) will be able to attend the event in CD Congress Centre, and the others will participate via the new online platform. Online participants will also have access to all pre-recorded sessions.
Programme highlights
The event's idea and design are dedicated to all formats of live marketing – experiential marketing thAT triggering emotional interactions between brands and buyers, and between ideas and attendees. Some of the world’s leading marketing and MICE professionals will talk about several topics, ranging from event planning, audience engagement to online events and the future of the international meeting industry, which is now facing many challenges.
Highlights include workshop of Martina Merslavič from Sistem 2, who will teach the participants about the right ways to attract the audience's attention, Ivo J. Franschitz (Enited) will discuss the meetings industry recovery after the coronavirus, and Juraj Holub from Slido will take part in a panel discussion on the future of online and live events.
Head of the Ljubljana CVB Jan Oršič will participate in the FACE2FACE discussion with Prof. Aleš Kuhar, PhD from the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, one of the Slovenian Congress Ambassadors of 2019. The entire program of the meeting is available here.
The event is organized by the Toleranca marketing and the trade show Conventa in cooperation with CD Congress Centre and the Slovenian Tourist Board. Ljubljana Tourism has been a partner of the event since the very beginnings.
Conventa Best Event Award
The Conventa Best Event Award competition for the best event in the region will remain the focal point of the event. The competition has been restructured, with more event categories and easier application conditions. More on the competition here.
The Ljubljana CVB is very much looking forward to the conference, particularly because this will probably be the only event of its kind until the rest of the year. For the first time in months the entire Slovenian (and regional) meetings community will meet (live or online) to discuss the challenges the current situation presents and to re-imagine the future of the industry. One thing is for sure - the desire to recover and restart is great.