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Planning your meeting in Ljubljana just got a lot easier. Visit our website and get to know its new feature called MyEvent. It enables you to create a list of facilities and services of your choice and also, if you wish, export it to your own PDF guide.

myEvent novica

© Liberty International Adriatic

Why use MyEvent?

MyEvent will help you plan your meeting in Ljubljana. While browsing through our website and getting ideas about the right conference or special events venue, service providers of your choice or an incentive programme for your team, you can save those ideas to your customised list.

However MyEvent is more than just a mere list of favorites as it also enables you to access it anytime (regardless of your web browser and cookies settings) and to create a PDF guide containing some additional useful information.

How to use MyEvent? It's easy.

Check the information about conference and special event venues, service providers and incentive programmes on our website and click on the calendar/heart icon next to any of them to add it to your list of favorites.

You can access this list anytime on our website, and you can also bookmark it or send the link to it to your e-mail.

If you choose to download the PDF guide, it will also contain our contacts so that you can get in touch with us, as well as some insider tips to help you get the most of your stay in Ljubljana in your free time.

So what are you waiting for? Go to MyEvent and start planning your event in Ljubljana! :)

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