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Ljubljana Tourism / Convention Bureau recently issued a revamped edition of “Tips for Incentives”, with a territorial emphasis on Ljubljana and Central Slovenia. The publication, produced in both printed and digital format, is intended as an informative and helpful destination toolkit for incentive and meeting planners.
The project was partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

»Tips for Incentives« showcases an array of individual products that can be easily combined to create authentic and dynamic incentive programmes or give an added value to business meetings. A larger part of the contents focus on the capital city and the Central Slovenia region, while another section is dedicated to activities in other areas, since many attractive locations in Slovenia – from the Adriatic coast to the Alps, can be reached within 1.5 hour's drive.
Over eighty tips provide a selection of themed programmes encompassing everything from outdoor adventures and teambuilding to ethno heritage, nature and eno-gastronomy. All descriptions state the seasonality and minimum /maximum number of participants.

Brochure can be downloaded from www.visitljubljana.si/meetings. Should you prefer to receive a printed copy or the digital version on minidisk, kindly request it via the following email: convention@visitljubljana.si.

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