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Ljubljana’s congress calendar features a number of scientific and expert meetings of regional, European and international relevance.


Among the ones taking place in 2013 the two largest were: 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association – ESRA (Faculty of Social Sciences, 600 delegates) and the Congress of the Paediatric Rheumatology European Society – PReS (CD Congress Centre Ljubljana, 1,000 delegates).

2014 promises to be a positive year for association congresses in Ljubljana. Based on Ljubljana Convention Bureau’s research, the current data shows there will be thirty events matching the following criteria: regional / European / international association events with a majority of foreign delegates, lasting more than one day and with at least 100 attendees.

Out of this number, ten congresses will attract more than 500 delegates; among them, two have an expected attendance between 1,000 and 1,500 delegates. The congress calendar is dynamic, therefore the figures will be further updated.

The highlights in 2014 are to be:

14 - 16 Feb 2014
18th Winter Meeting of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons - ESCRS
Cankarjev dom Congress Centre Ljubljana
(1000 delegates)

9 - 12 April 2014
World Psychiatric Association – WPA Regional Meeting 2014
Cankarjev dom Congress Centre Ljubljana
(800 – 1.000 delegates)

11 - 15 August 2014
40th World Scout Conference - WOSM
Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre – GR
(1.500 delegates)

26 - 29 August 2014
14th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists - EAAE
Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre – GR
(800 delegates)

27 - 30 August 2014
14th International Congress of the European Association for Japanese Studies -EAJS
Cankarjev dom Congress Centre Ljubljana / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
(700 delegates)

22 - 24 September 2014
The Travel Convention 2014
ABTA - Association of British Travel Agents
(500 – 600 delegates)
GR - Ljubljana Exhibiton and Convention Centre

26 – 28 September 2014
Couples for Christ Conference
GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre
(700 delegates)

3 - 4 October 2014
11th FIAPAC Conference (International Federation of Professional Abortion and Contraception Associates)
(600 delegates)
Cankarjev dom Congress Centre Ljubljana

List of major congresses in Ljubljana in 2014 >>

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