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For the seventh year running, Ljubljana has made the Global TOP 100 Sustainable Destinations list, maintaining its position as one of the world’s most sustainable destinations.

TOP 100 Green Destinations Ladjica na Ljubljanici Ljubljanski grad 2019 Andrej Tarfila2

© Andrej Tarfila

The international expert jury was this time persuaded by the KulKul Moment project with which Ljubljana Tourism connected culture and cuisine, common motives of Slovenian and foreign visitors for visiting Ljubljana. This year’s prestigious list of most sustainable destinations features locations in 34 countries.

Green Destinations is a non-profit international organisation that uses a series of strict criteria to assess and reward best practices in global green and sustainable tourism. Every year it organises Global Green Destinations Days, one of the largest international conferences on sustainable tourism. Prizes are awarded to destinations which strive to find sustainable and responsible solutions and create inspiring stories that can be an example for other destinations. Today’s presentation of awards as part of the Global Green Destinations Days event also took place online this year.

This year the international jury was won over by the KulKul Moment project with which Ljubljana Tourism connected the capital’s cul-inary and cul-tural attractions. Every month new stories are revealed that serve as inspiration for citizens and visitors of Ljubljana. The first one in March this year took us back to Roman times with the Emona or Maxi slice, in April Slovenian ethnographic tradition was evoked with tarragon potica and the lePotička, in May we were reminded of Plečnik’s noble heritage, in June art and coffee were intertwined, July’s story took place in a castle, August’s was poetic, and September’s artistic.

One member of the jury wrote this about the project: “These stories make you want to travel to Ljubljana and experience each and every KulKul Moment. This is an innovative idea, which attracts visitors and encourages people to explore Ljubljana."

Ljubljana first made the Global Top 100 Sustainable Destinations in 2014 and has retained its place on the list this year, making it the most decorated destination of all for sustainable tourism achievements. It is also the only city in the world to have made the list seven times.

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