Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism
Ljubljana is the recipient of the Slovenia Green Destination Gold label, the highest category of certification for a green destination in Slovenia.

What is the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism?
The Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism (GSST) is a national programme and certification scheme operating under the SLOVENIA GREEN brand that:
- unites all efforts towards the sustainable development of tourism in Slovenia,
- offers destinations and tourism providers concrete tools to assess and improve their sustainable operations,
- promotes green action through the Slovenia Green brand
The key strategic goal of the scheme is to introduce sustainable models to Slovenian tourism, both at the tourism provider level and at the destination level. All the objectives of strategic focuses are accompanied by sustainable development and care for the economic, socio-cultural and natural environment.
You can find out more about the Green Scheme on the Slovenia Green website.

Indicators of sustainable tourism in Ljubljana
In 2015 Ljubljana became the first destination in Slovenia to receive the Slovenia Green Destination Gold label. The process for obtaining the label runs every 3 years and is based on sustainability criteria and indicators that are divided into the following fields:
- destination management,
- nature and landscape,
- environment and climate,
- culture and tradition,
- social climate,
- operations of tourism businesses.
Assessment of sustainable tourism potentials in Ljubljana according to globally recognised sustainability indicators began in 2014, when we carried out assessment on the basis of European (ETIS) and global (GSTC) indicators, which also represent the basis of the Green Scheme Of Slovenian Tourism.
As a result of our sustainable orientation and activities, Ljubljana has already appeared six times on the list of the 100 top sustainable tourist destinations in the world – the Global Top 100 Sustainable Destinations.
Click here to find out more about sustainable tourism in Ljubljana.