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In 2018 and 2019 Ljubljana Tourism ran an operation called “Enhancing the digital promotion of Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region as one of the leading tourist destinations in Slovenia”.


The project is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

The operation was carried out on the basis of a call for applications for co-funding to finance the development and promotion of the tourism offering of leading tourist destinations in Slovenia. In this context, the Ministry of the Economy approved co-funding of the operation from available European Regional Development Fund resources.

The operation encompassed the redesign of the Visit Ljubljana website and additional advertising campaigns on Facebook, native advertising platform Outbrain and advertising system Google Ads, where we broadened the range of target markets to include three additional markets (Australia, Finland, Netherlands) in which high potential to increase visits to our destination has been identified.

To achieve better engagement of target users at the start of the purchase cycle (in the so-called dreaming phase), new promotional video content was also prepared.

The website redesign project included an overhauling of the user experience and a complete revamping of the website’s form and content. The new website has a modern look and content that is more clearly adapted to target user personas, with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of our message in target markets and improving results across all key indicators of visit quality.

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