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Ljubljana Tourism is under the terms of the Ordinance on Tourist Guide Services in the Municipality of Ljubljana (Odlok o turističnem vodenju v MOL), published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia no. 54/2010, entitled to provide professional tourist guide services on the territory of the Municipality of Ljubljana. Its register of local tourist guides includes a total of 83 people licensed to guide in Ljubljana.

How can the local tourist guide licence be obtained?

For those wishing to take out the local tourist guide licence, Ljubljana Tourism organizes a 72-hour course followed by a theoretical and practical examination. The course covers the following themes:

  • Archaeological Monuments of Ljubljana,
  • History of Ljubljana,
  • The History of Art and Architecture in Ljubljana,
  • Inclusion of Ljubljana's Surroundings into the Ljubljana's Tourism Offer,
  • Geography and Urban Development of Ljubljana,
  • Ljubljana's Cultural Offer,
  • Museums of Ljubljana,
  • Guiding Methods and Techniques.

Guided tours are available in the following 17 languages:

English, Slovenian, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian, Japanese, Chinese, Czech, Romanian, Hungarian, Polish, Serbian and Croatian.

Additional information

Nace Koncilja, vodja službe III za storitve in prodajo: 
T: +386 (0)1 306 12 44
E: nace.koncilja@visitljubljana.si

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