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New Roman Discoveries Under Emonika

Tracing the Past in the Modern City

Different colours of oil lamps on a blue background.

© M. Lukic

  • 24 Feb - 31 Mar 2025

    Krakovo Embankment

Archaeological excavations ahead of the construction of the Emonika multi-purpose complex took place in the spring and summer of 2024. They uncovered previously unexplored sections of the northern cemetery of Emona, a side road leading east from the main road, and traces of the land division in Emona, which had not been discovered despite extensive research efforts.

The new Roman discoveries under Emonika are presented through two exhibitions. At the Krakovski rampart, a photographic exhibition highlights the background of the archaeological excavations at the Emona archaeological site, while the City Museum of Ljubljana features a selection of notable archaeological finds.

Emonika, the first multi-purpose complex in Ljubljana, will combine a shopping centre, hotel, 187 apartments, and commercial spaces. Developed by Mendota Invest, part of the OTP Group, the project sets new standards in sustainable construction, incorporating advanced environmental solutions such as energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, and sustainable materials. With respect for cultural heritage, Emonika will create a modern space for living, working, and leisure, playing an important role in shaping the future of Ljubljana.


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